Lily's Expectation Letter
Dear Lord,
Wow, here we are… another summer has rolled around in what seems like the blink of an eye. In less than two weeks Jared and I will be on a plane on our way to Japan for the second time. It’s almost impossible to believe. You led us here, guided our steps and provided the way. Without You this would be impossible and I am beyond grateful that you have allowed us to play this part in Your story. As I reflect on our trip last year I think of all the ways you grew me, challenged me and molded me. You were in control and I was just along for the ride, how exhilarating! As I look towards this coming month I think I know what to expect and what to imagine and yet I know it’s quite possible that it will be so different. I hold this trip with open hands and a loose grip, well I should really be saying please help this to be the case. You know my desire for control Lord, continue to tear down this habit of mine. As I think of all the things I know and love about Japan, the things I don’t know and that make me nervous also come to mind. If I am honest I am terrified to be in unknown situations and I desperately do not want to make a fool of myself. Lord I submit these fears to you. I do not go to Japan alone, you promise to walk each step along with me. Not to mention, my humiliation, fears, troubles and anxieties are all worth it if it means I have the privilege of planting a seed of hope in only one person. Regardless of my fears You have filled me with an overwhelming excitement! You have placed in me a love for the Japanese people and also for the missionaries we met last year. You blessed us immeasurably last year by answering our prayers, starting relationships and growing me in ways I didn’t even imagine. This year Lord I pray for opportunities to interact with individual Japanese people, to hear about them, their stories, their lives. I don’t know how this will be possible considering the language barrier but I fully expect and hope that You will provide a way, I also pray against any anxiety regarding this, may You give me the courage to step out of my comfort zone, walking fully and completely surrendered to You. I desire to be able to pray for the Japanese people better and represent them well. I expect to feel overwhelmed again with a passion to return ASAP to serve full time, I know this is not likely to be the case for 3-5 more years and that at times is frustrating but I know I can trust Your perfect timing, help me rest in Your perfect peace specifically in this area Father. I continue to learn that life is not about the next big thing, not even the next big thing I want to do for You, it’s about the journey with You, honoring and bringing glory to You in absolutely everything that I do. You are and constantly have to be the reason for living. I expect to find the jetlag excruciating and I pray for Your sustaining hand in this area. I expect the humidity to be somewhat overwhelming again though this time I’m more prepared! I expect to thoroughly enjoy the food and company - what an honor to return to ACC! I expect the language barrier to be tough but I would like to learn a little while I’m there. I also expect to be grown - the question is whether or not I’ll fight it or not. I pray that I will submit fully to You Lord. Mold me into who You want me to be I pray. Lord if You are willing lead us to different ministries in Tokyo, may we see how you are working in other parts of Japan as well. I am excited to meet new people, experience new things and jump in with two feet yet again, may my experiences last year not hinder my responses this year. Thank you so much for this opportunity Lord.
In the most holy name of Jesus I pray, Amen.
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